Wednesday, April 2, 2014

"Transforming a neighborhood, one house, one person, one family at a time..."
Hello Fireweed friends and family,
How are you?  We have missed you. Sorry for the long absence, but alas, we have survived the long winter. Spring is finally upon us! We are so overjoyed.  And we wish you to join us in our many projects now that the weather warrants it.  Here is an update of upcoming events if you would be so kind as to help us spread the word.  Please let us know if you have any questions, comments or concerns.   We thank you for your continued support of the Fireweed Universe-City. We love you all so very much.
  • VOLUNTEER WORK DAY - Every Saturday from Noon until 5 p.m (or really Sunrise to Sunset). As Shane would put it "Many Hands Make Light Work."  Projects for the volunteer work days are unlimited.  What ever you want to imagine can be accomplished.  Priority projects include:
  • GROWING FOOD (weeding, composting, planting seeds, tilling soil) 
  • BULK PICK UP DAY is this TUESDAY APRIL 8th.  We need to get he garbage collected off the side of the streets and collect bulk items out of potential houses to occupy. 
  • GARDENING WORKSHOPS. Exchange ideas for gardening, seeds and tips.  Learn about different forms of gardening and composting, particularly urban farming.  
  • FULL MOON FUNDRAISER DANCE PARTIES.  The Red Planet collective is located across the street from the Innate Healing Center and Cafe.  In the past it has served as a community bike shop, but we are working to create a true community center.  Every full moon we throw a dance party which we run off of a gas powered generator. This is an effort to raise money for Fireweed's efforts to become a 501(c)3 registered federal non-profit.  A variety of artists and collaborations, the Red Planet has come a long way and has much potential on where it can go.  Please spread the word to artists of any sort that may be interested in performing, painting, collaborating, hosting workshops of any sorts! NEXT FULL MOON: Tuesday April 15. $1 suggested donation. 
  • STORIES AFTER MIDNIGHT - Tommy Spaghetti presents an interactive black light active puppet show.  We will be hosting workshop days to make our own puppets, and we will be having fun with home made pizza, Kava Kava and PUPPETS.  Tuesday Nights.
  • MOVIE NIGHT AT THE RED PLANET - Dates TBA.  Also ran off our gas powered generator, we view a variety of films.  Screened in the back of the Red Planet next to the wood burning stove, we are looking for volunteers to help run the snacks and drinks, and advertise with hand made flyer's. 
  • Fireweed Universe-City and Intergalactic Art Movement present: The Gates of RA! An art show inspired by ancient Egypt. Art Show, Psy-Fly Space Pharaoh Yoga, Sacred Wave Gong Immersion, Sacred Breathwork Experience. Saturday May 3rd at the Tangent Gallery (715 E. Milwaukee St., Detroit). Art Show at 6pm (all ages, free). Dance party at 9pm (21 and up, $10 presale).

"Greetings earthlings
We still need to gather wood and prepare the garden beds
And there's lots of trash that can be dragged to the curb to be picked up on the next bulk trash day.
The zombie apocalypse is here now.
Trun off your tv's and computers, 
Come help rebuild Detroit one street at a time.
You can help by donating time, clothes, food, construction items and of course money on the websites Fireweed pay pal.
Love and light